How can we help you? 😀

You should have received an email from us as soon as you made a purchase. Sometimes, this email might end up in your spam folder. Please check your spam folder in case you are unable to locate the email in your inbox

In case you are logging in for the first time, please click on Sign Up and register using the email ID you used for making your purchase

Please check your spam folder in case you are unable to locate the email in your inbox.

Please click here and follow the steps you see on your screen.

In case your payment failed, please try the following solutions:

  1. Use another card

  2. Ensure that your card has sufficient funds

  3. Check the credit card information you have entered for correctness before you make the payment

In order to edit your filter, please visit your order page and click on the modify filter button. Please note that you will not be able to modify a filter after it has gone live.

Troubleshooting tips:

  1. Make sure the GPS/Location is turned on.

  2. Make sure you are inside the Geofence you have marked.

  3. Wait a couple of seconds for Geofilters to load after taking a snap

  4. Sometimes the phone does not pick the right GPS location. This can be fixed by turning on/off the location, or restarting the phone.

  5. Toggle on WiFi (even if there's no network to join) - this will improve location accuracy when cellphone service is poor

  6. Try it on someone else's phone

  7. Compare the exact location of where you are (on a google map), and the geofence marked.